All posts by Gremon Systems

Roses Bloom in China thanks to Trutina

Though Trutina, Gremon Systems’ smart greenhouse monitoring platform is popular amongst vegetable and fruit producers – the system is also capable of enhancing flower crop as well. In China, at Breasion Rose, the system is used for optimizing irrigation so roses can produce the best quality flowers.Breasion’s storyGremon Systems’ Chinese partner – Tickrise, remembers when […]

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Trutina stops fruit loss and brings a higher diameter of blueberries in Mexico

A Mexican greenhouse was able to overcome its irrigation problems, resulting in less fruit loss and a higher diameter of blueberries, thanks to their newly installed Trutina greenhouse monitoring system. In this case study, we introduce the farm’s problems and show how they were able to solve them.Problems with the crop and irrigationEven though the […]

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Cherry (production) in full blossom thanks to Gremon’s smart monitoring system

Have you ever thought that cherries can be produced in a greenhouse environment? This Hungarian greenhouse proves it’s possible – with the right equipment and technology. We have visited them to learn how they are going to achieve their highest yield in 2023.Cherry in a greenhouse?Though mostly tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables are produced in […]

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How to benefit from Real-Time Drain Analysis (Case study from Poland)

Farm Tomasz Rosłoniec, with greenhouses in Poland was happy to find that real-time drain analysis has solved various problems in their production – in this case study, we’ll show you how.Why they needed real-time controlHorticultural Farm Tomasz Rosłoniec is located in Poland, with greenhouses in Dziecinów and Brzezinka (Mazowieckie region, near Warsaw), operating since 2002. […]

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Trutina helps Chinese greenhouse owners create a more efficient irrigation strategy

Yang Kun from TickRise Consulting (Trutina expert and greenhouse consultant in China) shares how our innovative greenhouse data monitoring solution helped a local greenhouse to solve its irrigation problems and maximize its production.Location: Fanfan Farm – Sanhe City, Langfang City, Hebei Province, ChinaVegetable: tomato and colored peppersArea: 2 ha, divided into 4 independent climate-controlled areasProducts […]

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A Gremon Systems célul tűzte ki, hogy sokrétű piaci tapasztalata, és a termesztésben dolgozó szakemberek visszajelzései alapján fejleszt a meglévő termékei mellett kifejezetten talajban termesztő kertészeknek olyan megoldást, amely nagyban segíti mindennapi munkájukat. Az elmúlt akár évtizedekben is, a hidrokultúrás termesztés előretörésével méltatlanul kevés kutatás és fejlesztés történt ebben a szegmensben. Viszont ebben a szektorban […]

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Esettanulmány: Trutina Soil – Öntözési stratégia optimalizálása talajon

Eltérő számú talajnedvesség szenzor használható az ügyfél igénytől függően. Ezeket a szenzorokat különböző mélységben érdemes elhelyezni, javasolt a 15 és 20 centiméteres mélység, de ez nagyban függ a  gyökérzóna elhelyezkedésétől függ. Az új Trutina Soil dashboardon megjelenítjük azokat a releváns értékeket, amelyek segítenek a kertészeknek eldönteni, hogy mikor és mennyi ideig kell öntözniük, a tápanyag […]

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Journey from reactive to proactive greenhouse management

MODERN TECHNOLOGIES AND TRADITIONAL PARADIGMSHow current paradigms will change as a result of on automation, robotization, artificial intelligence, data analysis in greenhouses. This series of articles will cover all the steps how traditional greenhouse operators can change to become modern and innovative actor of this competing market.Current situation and visionAs many other industries, the greenhouse […]

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Növények élettana

A terméshozam maximalizálása érdekében ismernünk kell, milyen módon tarthatjuk a növény vegetatív-generatív állapotát egyensúlyban. Csak akkor van lehetőségünk a növényeinkről a legtöbb termést betakarítani, ha azok a legtöbb energiát a termésképzésre tudják fordítani. Minden szélsőség, legyen az klimatikus, a talajnedvesség és/vagy tápanyag tartalmának változása, valamint egyéb tényezők, csökkentik a potenciális hozamot, mert amikor a növénynek […]

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Things you didn’t know about automatic watering systems

Irrigation is an important process in any farming, and because of this reason, ‘computerization’ first came into the irrigation system before anything in agriculture. Plants need water, and there is no surprise about this fact. But what makes the difference was the understanding that there is a specific time when they need it. Irrigating plants […]

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