Global food consumption is on the rising side with an ever-increasing population and combating the needs of the growing populace has always proven to be a challenging task. Next 30 years is expected to witness a 2 billion rise in headcount and it directly reflects into approx. 70% rise in agricultural produce. With the current practice of irrigation system, meeting such a huge demand is laborious, expensive and detrimental to the environment. Smart farming is an immediate solution for this dilemma; intervention of computer could make this much more efficient and easy. Automatic watering systems, weight-based supply optimization, smart monitoring devices, and computer controlled nutrient supply are the latest technological advancements in this field.
Smart irrigation is expected to be a commercial hit suggested by the growing trends and according to CAGR reports current $825 million industry would reach a whopping 1755.1 million by 2023 forecasting a 16.30% growth. Smart irrigation technology is expected to experience a decline in cost as many investors have turned their attention towards this market reflecting in the price drop on hardware components. Decision support systems and controller units are major components that would collect data from weather forecast and sensors to adjust output parameters like watering frequency, soil moisture, nutrient discharge etc. Regulating the essential resource is the best possible practice to pump the yield and quality to the maximum. Various trends in the smart irrigation system.
The global market segmentation for a drip irrigation system can be classified into various categories based on application, types of components, and type of irrigation strategy used.
There are two categories: for agricultural purpose and non-agricultural application. As the names suggest the former focuses on inculcating the technology into food harvesting by making use of monitoring and evaluation strategy. For the non-agricultural purpose, this technology is used in landscape maintenances, golf courses etc.
Smart farming uses a lot of sensors, gauges, flow systems etc. that would serve the heart of drip irrigation. In fact the majority stakeholder in this department is the controller unit that works in tandem with peripheral components to automate the irrigation.
There are two systems where one is soil moisture based and other weather based.
Conventional strategy of irrigation had a lot of flaws, of which the main one was the inefficient utilization of resources. Water is often supplied in surplus at irrelevant frequencies, which would decrease the utilization. With smart irrigation, the feedback collected from the sensors would help the controller to micro tune the exact requirement for water. Also, the irrigation design is based on real-time plant weight tracking of plant biomass, drain amount, light intensity etc. An added benefit is ready to deploy data analyses that can be used to agriculturalists to design their farming strategy. Real-time monitoring of the crop is an otherwise impossible and cumbersome task involving a lot of human resources. Read more about smart irrigation here.
Agriculture being the major question for the next century, Gremon Systems had already trumpeted their market presence with two products viz. Trutina and Insight Manager. Trutina is fine-tuned with the help of hardware as well as software handles helping farmers all around the globe combat the growing demand, challenges and optimization of the usage of the drip irrigation system.
Trutina is a real-time monitoring system that collects feed from various sensors planted into the existing farming setup. The change in plant biomass is evaluated on a periodic basis which is then collecting by a basic unit and sending signals to a server where data is evaluated thereby determining the optimal water delivery, ensuring the genetic maximum yield of the crop. Also, the data collected from various sensors like solar irradiation, electrical conductivity, temperature, biomass production etc. can be used for analyzing the plant growth.
Insight Manager, on the other hand, is more of an employee management system cum workflow monitor that will help in attaining the maximum workability in a given environment. All the data are cloud-based and employee performance evolution is done real-time giving a broader overview of the workflow.
Farmers will benefit from smart irrigation during harvesting and as per the standard study it was found that on an average the yield maxima can be 8-12% higher than normal. Also, input resource optimization helped in saving 10% of total supplies like water, fertilizer, energy etc.
For instance, with Trutina if only the tomato yield per ha was found to be increased by 1% it could make a 6-10.000 USD profit, but even improving the quality with just 1% can mean 6-10.000 USD extra profit.
In the current market, automatic watering systems either rely on moisture based data or pyranometer meter-based data or combination of both, whereas Gremon Systems introduces a novel platform catering both hardware and software systems equipped with state of the art sensors and monitors that could track a whole load of data which could translate directly into improved plant growth and biomass yield. The cloud-based platform computes and equates various plant related data to tune the material input ample enough to improve the throughput.
Gremon Systems focuses on delivering the best possible solution in the current scenario to improve the agricultural yield and quality without the intervention of any extra resources, instead uses a smart irrigation system which completely relies on the feedback provided by plants. This will improve the general health of farming since crop yield is achieved by optimization of the farming strategy instead of using more water, fertilizers, pesticides or energy. Data compilation is the next key why Gremon products outrun the competitors with a user-friendly interface catering all irrigation related data and projections.
Adding to the improvement is with the management of human resource in the best possible manner using Insight Manager helping the company to stay updated about workflow and employee status. With smart systems taking over the world, smart irrigation will be the next clean trail for a better tomorrow helping to meet the needs of a growing population. While the conventional irrigation struggles with water resource, smart irrigation will be the answer for efficient utilization of water. With market projections estimating a $1071 million industry in the next 5 years, computerized drip irrigation could be the smartest investment in line.